Chickens and Hens

How to clean your garden chicken coop

Un clean chicken coop it is essential for the health of our hens, and can be obtained even without using chemicals and harmful products. For the cleaning the garden chicken coop can natural products be used? Yup! Furthermore, these methods do not involve moving the hens because the products used are not toxic.

Here is an overview of "alternative" systems and products, remembering that the cleaning the chicken coop it is not disinfecting and disinfecting once a year but it is a daily commitment.

hens houseClean the chicken coop with natural DIY sprays

Many natural products for the cleaning of the chicken coop, suggested online, are food alcohol-based mixtures with the addition of lemon (juice or peel) or a few drops of essential oils. But beware, apart from the cost of alcohol, not all of them work. For example, surfaces can remain a bit sticky and can attract a tremendous amount of ants. Ants may not necessarily appear, but if they do, you'll have to clean everything up in the end!

For sure for clean the chicken coop Vinegar-based mixtures with the addition of aromatic herbs, citrus fruits or cinnamon are preferable. To make them it takes some time because, after putting the vinegar and the “additional” ingredients in a jar, you have to wait a few weeks before you can use them. However, it is preferable to use pure natural products that work great, rather than chemicals that are harmful to the chicken health.

chicken coop cucciolottaOther natural products useful for cleaning the garden chicken coop

For a regular cleaning of the chicken coop, we will not need aggressive products. From this point of view, the use of essential oils and aromatic herbs represent natural products of great support for maintaining a healthy environment.

The most used essential oils in the chicken coop are those of geranium, mint, tea tree, garlic, lemon and cinnamon. A few drops in the nests or on the perches are enough to ward off insects.

For aromatic herbs it is preferable to make a mix rather than using just one type.
In the mix we can put lots of herbs but thyme, oregano and mint should not be missing. Scattered in nests, on the chicken coop litter and in the sand bath area, they help maintain a clean and fragrant environment!

clean the accessories of the garden chicken coop we can avoid both bleach and other chemicals which are quite harmful and have a strong environmental impact.
If we replace them with soap, alcohol and citric acid, we will be able to clean practically everything perfectly, without inhaling poisons or making our hens inhale them.

The problem of traditional chicken coops

The problem with traditional chicken coops is that they are very difficult to clean. Usually, you have to move inside the house, bending and stretching, to reach the most remote corners and polish everything. Furthermore, often these are wooden structures, which cannot be cleaned with a simple jet of water and soap, but it is necessary to have a sponge, gloves, and a great desire to rub. This material is, by nature, porous, and tends to have cracks. In particular, if water enters the structure, it begins to swell causing openings and holes on its surface which are very unpleasant for any type of building structure.

In fact, when wooden structures are exposed to rain or humidity for long periods of time, they begin to damage quickly because water weakens their resistance making it extremely fragile.

Wood absorbs so much moisture and odors, and even if you clean it once or twice, it starts getting dirty again. This is one of the reasons why wooden structures are not preferred by many people today, because they are very difficult to maintain without spending a lot of money.

It can also happen, in the worst case, that inside the cracks formed in the boards, not only germs and bacteria proliferate, but also parasites such as the much feared red mite.

Wood absorbs so much moisture and odors, and even if you clean it once or twice, it starts getting dirty again. This is one of the reasons why wooden structures are not preferred by many people today, because they are very difficult to maintain without spending a lot of money.

Polly Duplex solves your every problem

I chicken coops in HPL laminate solve this problem. This material is easy to clean and maintain, so you won't have any problems with germs accumulating inside your coop!

It does not absorb odors or moisture and keeps the interior cooler than other materials. It is even more resistant than most other options on the market, which means you can use it for years without worrying about it breaking.

The layered composition of HPL makes it indestructible, resists hostile climatic conditions and any attacks by predators. Even better if you opt for the Polly Duplex raised, so that there is not the slightest contact with the ground, nor consequently, with any mud or unwanted animals.

The particular structure of the Cucciolotta chicken coops it is even more advantageous, as the walls and ceiling are built as interlocking panels, so their extraction is much easier. To clean them, just take them off, use a simple solution of soap and water, and put them back on, et voila.