Chickens and Hens

Small and practical tips for taking care of your chickens

Raising a hen seems to have become trendy. From Australia to the United States to old Europe, the true companion animal has a crest and two wattles. The trend was born in France, and is now well established. Hens are very delicate animals that need to be lent a lot care and be careful if they want to have a long and healthy life. To do this it is good to follow and keep in mind the gods small and practical tips for their own chickens that we now see together.

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Pay attention to the welfare of your chickens

Before taking chickens, it is a good idea to build a house for them to eat, sleep and lay eggs. Hens are animals that like to run free and have a lot of space between earth and grass. So make sure a good one hen-house It is the best way to start, better to have a chicken coop that is a little larger than it should be rather than smaller. The maintenance of the chicken coop takes very little time, because the hens are often gathered, in a brood position, not only when they lay the egg, but also when they sleep and carry out their needs. Plus, it will cheer you up for 2 years, that's the average life span of one laying hen. It is good to take several hens and not just one as they are animals that need to be among themselves and suffer from loneliness.

The fenced area used for grazing chickens and hens must have an area of ​​at least 10 square meters for each head. The space must be sufficient for the animals to scratch around without any constraint of movement, to be able to obtain food by pecking the ground and to shelter from the sun and cold, under bushes or in their covered shelter.

In fact, there must be a sheltered space for a night's rest, as a protection from bad weather and the cold of winter. Hens are quite delicate animals, which are easily affected by sudden changes in temperature and windy currents.

It is also good to always have fresh water available to the hens, therefore drinking troughs, perches, suitable feeders and nests for laying and hatching the eggs.

Find an area within the fence that can remain in full sun for a few hours of the day it is good attention to have for the well-being of your farm.

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Cleaning the chicken coop

Another very important aspect of the health of your chickens is the time you spend cleaning the house. It is good to buy some HPL chicken coops easily removable to facilitate the cleaning process. These chicken coops do not absorb odors or liquids and in addition the products made of HPL are indestructible anti bite and anti scratch to better protect your hens.

Hens are fantastic creatures, fun, sweet, loving, and a constant source of fresh eggs. These feathered friends will entertain you all day, entering your heart. If you give them the right amount of time, love and care, your farm will soon have a bunch of healthy and happy chickens!

How to tell if your hens are happy?

If you are a good breeder it is essential to make sure your hens are happy. A happy, healthy hen will lay better eggs.
There are some indicators we can refer to:

  • Tranquillity: the hen does not run away if you approach or touch it
  • The tone of voice: low and peaceful, a higher pitch could indicate that you feel in danger.
  • The posture: crouched and relaxed if instead it tries to appear bigger by standing up on its paws it is ready to attack or to protect itself.

There are several exercises that we can get our hens to do, both to bond with them and to keep them fit:

  • Use positive reinforcement: through a food prize we can teach our hen to run an obstacle course.
  • Bottle: we insert the feed inside a perforated bottle, the hen after several attempts will learn to roll the bottle to be able to eat.
  • Hide and seek: keep her in shape by searching for hidden rewards
  • Reflex: use objects with a reflective surface to make the hen chase them

Toxic feed for chickens

A happy hen is also a healthy hen and for this reason proper nutrition is essential

There are some foods that you have to be very careful that the hen doesn't eat because they are toxic.
The first toxic food is chocolate (also for dogs and cats), it contains theobromia, a substance that is difficult to digest.
The second category of toxic foods are potatoes, aubergines and green tomatoes which contain solanine, a substance which does not allow for the absorption of all the necessary nutrients. Finally, raw beans that can be fatal for our friends.

There are numerous other foods but the advice we want to give you is to be very careful about the feeding of your hens, in fact, they are very delicate animals that need a lot of attention. The general principle is to avoid foods that are not specific to their diet and to prefer dry and healthy foods.


Let's make a summary


Let's now make a summary list of the points to take into consideration:


  • Balanced nutrition: Make sure you provide your chickens with a balanced and nutritious diet. A good chicken feed should contain a combination of grains, proteins, vitamins and minerals. You can also supplement their diet with fresh vegetables, safe food scraps, and the occasional shredded oyster shells to promote healthy, strong egg production.


  • Provide clean water: Hens need fresh, clean water every day. Make sure you have a source of water accessible to them at all times. Check regularly that their water bowl is clean and free of debris. During the summer, you might also consider providing the chickens with a bowl of water to cool them down and keep them hydrated.


  • Cleaning the chicken coop: Keeping the coop clean is essential for the health of the hens. Regularly remove dirty bedding and replace it with clean, fresh material, such as sawdust or straw. This will help prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and maintain a hygienic environment for your hens.


  • Adequate space and accommodation: Make sure your chicken coop has enough space for your hens. Each hen should have at least 3-4 square meters of space available to roam and roost. Make sure the coop is well constructed to protect the hens from predators and adverse weather conditions.


  • Protection from predators: Hens are vulnerable to attacks from predators, such as foxes, dogs or cats. Make sure you protect your chicken coop with proper fencing and make sure the fence is buried in the ground to prevent predators from entering from below. Also check that the chicken coop has a secure closure during the night to prevent unwanted intrusions.


  • Monitor the health of the chickensCarefully observe the behavior and appearance of your hens. If you notice signs of illness, such as lethargy, lack of appetite, or matted plumage, consult a veterinarian who specializes in farm animals. Timely diagnosis and proper care can save your chickens' lives and prevent the spread of disease on your farm.


  • Outdoor time: Provide your hens with opportunities to spend time outdoors. Allowing them to graze on grass and explore their natural environment improves their well-being and can positively impact egg quality.



Cucciolotta as a solution


Whether you have chickens in your backyard or are interested in starting a poultry farming business, it's important to take care of your chickens properly. These charming and productive pets require proper care to ensure their well-being and a healthy egg production.


All Cucciolotta chicken coops are made in HPL: High Pressure Laminate (high pressure laminate), a strong, durable and versatile material that offers many advantages in terms of design, durability, maintenance and resistance to different environmental conditions.


Bottom Line: Taking care of chickens takes effort, but the rewards are many. By following these handy little tips, you can ensure that your hens are happy, healthy and producing quality eggs. Remember that chickens are living creatures they deserve adequate attention and care. With love and dedication, you can enjoy the benefits of having chickens in your backyard and experience the pleasure of collecting fresh eggs every day.