Chickens and Hens

Now you can easily assemble your chicken house

Those who have a house with a garden often decide to make it someone's home pet, the choice usually falls on classic pets such as a lively kitten, a dog or a cute bunny. Sometimes, however, it happens that the animals chosen to keep us company are more particular, and better not so usual. In fact, it can happen that you also see geese, ducks o hens that fill the gardens of some houses and definitely brighten the view.

Obviously when you decide to opt for one of these animals to keep in your garden, you have to take into consideration some aspects strictly related to the animal that you decide to take. The hens, for example, they are social animals, so to avoid making them suffer it is better not to take just one but in sufficient numbers so that they do not feel alone and do not suffer from loneliness when there are no human beings around.

A chicken coop for the pet hen

A key aspect that you must take into consideration when deciding to take some chickens to keep in the garden it is obviously the place where they will rest and be safe during the night. Someone types of chicken coop they can also be used for poultry breeds that are not purely hens, but for example also for geese, chickens or turkeys. In case you are unsure of the breed you want to choose or if you will keep the same choice in the future have a versatile chicken coop it can prove to be a good investment for the future.

Obviously for those who are not a experienced breeder or is it proper to the first experiences with having pets in the house some of the aspects to take into consideration, in addition of course to product quality, To materials used, dimensions necessary and to the various accessories, are the convenience and practicality of the chicken coop that you go to buy.

An excellent solution that can be found on the market is that of the chicken coops they have interlocking structure.

This type of structure has several advantages from the point of view of the practicality not only in assembling the chicken coop when purchased but also in maintenance and in the tasks to be performed in everyday life.

Advantages of a hen house with interlocking structure

Una self-supporting interlocking structure it can prove useful in many circumstances. First of all, because such a structure is certainly a lot easier to assemble quickly and without the help of many tools, which at times you risk not having at home, or without the help of another person who has to assist us in the assembly and disassembly procedure of the structure itself.

Making these operations easy also helps maintain the structure, a easy to assemble chicken coop in fact it will also be easier to clean, without having to postpone the sanitation of the rooms to the classic spring cleaning which is not always sufficient to guarantee a healthy environment for our hens.

Another element not to be overlooked is the ease of being able to disassemble and reassemble the chicken coop in case you want to move it from one area of ​​the garden to another. In fact, it may happen that yes want to place the chicken coop in different positions in the garden according to the season of the year, in order to guarantee the hens always an optimal environment in which to live.

chicken coopsThe perfect material

  physical characteristics of HPL they collaborate with the user to offer the best performance to the final product.

  • HPL is thermosetting, this means that despite high temperature changes, its dimensional shape does not undergo modifications.
  • HPL is a thermal insulator. Despite obvious variations in temperature, the temperature inside the chicken coop remains constant. Your hens will not experience any thermal shock.
  • HPL is a very strong material, but light. Some would define it indestructible, based on the relationship between weight and strength. An HPL panel is so light that it can be handled easily, and according to what has been said in the previous paragraph, it allows the customer to proceed with an easy and fast assembly.
  • HPl is hygienic. The interlocking technology allows to offer a product that is almost or completely waterproof. Free from any possibility of infiltration, the hens will be able to live in a healthy and clean environment in the absence of any bacteriological form.

POLLY-FARM-EVO_grey-768x1086Useful information for our customers

When buying a Cucciolotta chicken coop in HPL we offer our customers the possibility of using a refund within 30 days. Despite the warranty is limited to 5 years, all Cucciolotta products survive a life cycle of over 5 years.

In any case, we will be willing to accept your complaints, and in the event that the customer is dissatisfied we will take action return within 30 days.

Il payment it can happen in total safety with any credit card through the page dedicated to PayPal platform. We also accept payment settled via Bank transfer.

- orders placed on Cucciolotta they are brought to their destination by IT DESIGN SRL which issues an invoice for the material sent by e-mail.

The ordered goods are issued for shipment only when the safety has been ascertained. Generally the packaging is made with cardboard boxes suitably closed with metal claws or sealing tapes.

Deliveries they are carried out at the times established in the specific table "indicative delivery times": from 9.00 to 13.00; from 14.00 pm to 18.00 pm, every day, except holidays, from Monday to Friday.

To optimize the shopping experience, we at Cucciolotta require a minimum   customer participation upon delivery of the goods by the Courier.

Therefore the customer must ensure that:

  1. that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated on the invoice;
  2. that the packaging is intact, not damaged or wet or, in any case, altered;
  3. that no closing materials other than metal clips have been used.

In the event that the customer has intertwined an incorrect number of packages, or of damage to the packaging, he must immediately notify the courier in order to affix a "withdrawal with reserve" to the document received. Once the document has been received and signed, no further complaints can be presented.