Chickens and Hens

Garden chicken coop in the city: how to start an urban farm

In recent times, more and more people are deciding to create a hen-house in your own backyard. If in the countryside there are no particular problems in keeping 10-20 or even more hens, in the city special precautions must be taken. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make yours chicken coop in the city without running into various problems. Thanks to small tricks, you too can have yours fresh eggs daily basis.

polly farmSome tips and explanations for keeping a chicken coop in the city

The first consideration to be made is whether the space for its realization is sufficient. Obviously it is not possible to place a chicken coop in a balcony, it is necessary in fact own a garden. Another aspect to consider is the time available, one daily care and cleaning is necessary to guarantee yours hens the best welfare and to avoid misunderstandings and problems with neighbors.

It is then time to consider the bureaucracy and all the rules that govern it presence of a chicken coop in the city. A private citizen can generally keep a maximum of 10 hens without notifying the ASL. Consult the municipal regulation or ask the ASL for clarification is still the best choice to avoid unpleasant surprises. Again with reference to the rules, it must be taken into account that a hen-house it cannot be located less than 10 meters from the border with the neighbor. Consequently, even a small garden is not ideal for the construction of a chicken coop.

Further aspects to consider are smells and noises. As for smells, maximum hygiene must be guaranteed, otherwise the neighbors have every right to complain about the smells coming from the chicken coop. With reference to the noises, it is undeniable that the hens inside a chicken coop make some noise. In this case there is a specific legislation, which provides that between 6 and 22 the decibels emitted by the hens do not exceed the normally recordable background noise by 3 decibels. As for the night noise, as long as it is dark the hens they are silent, so eventually it is possible to make the chicken coop up to a certain time or to place sound-absorbing panels.

Another trick to consider is which one breed choose. There are several, and each breed has its own temperament and also different colors. Don't be in a hurry and carefully choose the one that's right for you.

hen-houseProblems of urban livestock farming: rats

A consideration to make, in particular for the chicken coops in the city, are the rats. A chicken coop is an ideal environment for a rat colony to proliferate, so some precautions need to be taken. The first thing to do is to clean it daily and avoid any leftovers of food remaining overnight in areas where rats can access (remember that they are excellent diggers and climbers, so if there is an opportunity to get to the chicken feed they will surely succeed. ). Rats are especially dangerous for i chicks and for eggs, but also the adult hens risk in the event that the rats are particularly aggressive and hungry. Also remember that in some cases they are carriers of diseases and parasites.

If you can't get rid of it, the alternative is to place traps or baits (natural and otherwise) to solve this problem.

The urban chicken farm: advantages and disadvantages

Urban chicken farming is becoming more and more popular, but what are the benefits and risks of an urban chicken farming?

One of the biggest benefits of urban chicken farming is the ability to have fresh, high-quality eggs on your doorstep. Eggs produced by own chickens are usually more nutrients e tasty compared to those bought at the supermarket. Also, it can be an educational activity for children, which they can learn to take care of animals and to appreciate food fresh and healthy.

Furthermore, urban farming can be an excellent solution to reduce one's footprint ecologica. Chickens are very animals efficient that transform food waste into compost high quality and in fresh eggs. In this way, you can reduce your environmental impact and contribute to reduction of the waste organic.

However, there are also gods risks associated with urban farming. One of the biggest problems is the ability to spread diseases between the animals and people. Chickens can transmit diseases such as salmonellawhich can be dangerous to human health. Also, the herbs and noise they can become a problem for the neighbors and cleaning the chicken coop requires time e caution constant.

Also, breeding can be prohibitive for some people due to local regulations. Some cities prohibit the breeding of animals in residential areas, while others require permits specials or limit the number of chickens allowed.

Before starting an urban chicken farm, it is important inquire about on rules premises, take the precautions necessary to ensure animal and human health and carefully consider i benefits and disadvantages of this activity.

How to run an urban chicken farm safely and effectively

If you decide to start urban farming, it is important to take the right precautions to ensure health of animals and people. Here are some helpful tips for running an urban chicken farm safely and effectively:

Choose the Right Breeds: Some breeds of chickens are more suitable to urban farming, as they are more small, quiet e productive of others. For example, the Americana, Plymouth Rock, and Sussex breeds are popular with urban ranchers for theirs docility e resistance.

Build a hen-house safe and clean: the chicken coop should be well ventilated, protected by outdoor and large enough for chickens to move freely. Be sure to maintain the chicken coop clean e disinfected regularly to prevent the spread of disease.

Provide adequate nutrition: Chickens need a diet balanced which includes grains, seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fresh, clean water. Avoid giving them unhealthy foods such as human food scraps or foods high in salt and sugar. Take care of your chickens' health - keep an eye out for signs of disease in your chickens, such as feather loss, diarrhea, or lethargy, and take your pet to the vet as needed. Also be sure to keep your chickens away from other pets to prevent the spread of disease.

Comply with local regulations: inquire about rules and more premises on urban farming. Some cities require special permits or limit the number of chickens allowed. Respect the rules and ask the competent authorities for help if in doubt.

Running an urban farm can be an experience rewarding and healthy. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy all the benefits of urban chicken farming in a way sure ed effective.

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